FEREOL Thierry

D e s i g n e r / En g i n e e r

m e c h a n i c a I a n d i n d u s t r i a I e n g i n e e r i n g

Aspiring to perfect my technical English while working on an engineering project, I'm actively seeking a professional opportunity where I can apply my mechanical design and project management skills, while developing my command of the English language in a stimulating professional environment.

Precision Engineering
Groundbreaking Solutions
Functional Excellence

My background

I am a mechanical designer in industry. My skills range are in several areas of a project.

The technical part, mechanical analysis:

Analysis of system mechanics, analysis of resistance mechanics, choice of materials, optimization: cost/solutions, CAD/DAO

The management part

Manage a team to achieve a common goal. Set up intuitive and pleasant management tools to communicate about the objectives and results of a project.

Eager to collaborate with a creative team, my goal is to synergize my technical acuity and imaginative thinking, ensuring that every project I undertake achieves not only functional excellence, but also a touch of innovation that differentiates it from others.

Together, let's embark on a journey where the precision of engineering harmonizes with the art of design, pushing boundaries and creating a future where form and function coexist.

The financial analysis part

Cost analysis

In-depth breakdown of the various cost components to aid decision-making and the effective management of financial resources.

Drawing up a business plan

Seeking aid and funding

― Work experience


> IA analysys by tensor flow

personal work


>Renewable Energy and Wave Design

> Designing a wave amplifier

2016-2023( Wave design )

> Designing a submerged structure for surfing


> virtual reality

Vr work


>Design: wood/steel escalator.

>Photovoltaic project manager

University laboratory


> Design of a wood drilling prototype


― Work experience (mechanical analysis )

1 : Triggering the project- orientation of actions

+ Identification of project requirements : (Understand project objectives, customer or organizational needs, and general expectations.);
+Implementation of specific initiatives to achieve defined objectives
+Analysis of external specifications and drafting of internal specifications. 
+ Identification of necessary resources. + Risk assessment
+ Validation of feasibility
+ Establish a project team:
+ Identify project team members and define their roles and responsibilities.

2 : Searching for information

+ Understand a context + Benchmarking, risk identification, innovation, patent research.
+ Definition of research objectives: Clarify the specific objectives of the project, including the research questions and areas of innovation targeted.
+Literature reviews: Review existing work in the research field to understand the current state of knowledge, recent advances, and identify gaps in the literature.
+Data collection: Gather relevant data through experiments, surveys, statistical analysis, or other methods, depending on the nature of the project.
+Technological and competitive intelligence: Monitor recent technological developments and assess competing activities in the field of innovation to keep abreast of market trends and avoid duplication of effort.
+Patent research: Examine patent databases to ensure that no existing patents restrict the project's freedom of operation, and identify opportunities for collaboration.
+Expert consultation: Interact with experts in the field to gather ideas, advice and benefit from their specialized knowledge.
+Data analysis: Process and analyze collected data in order to extract meaningful information, identify trends, and generate insights to guide the project.
+Integration of results: Synthesize the information gathered to develop a holistic understanding of the field of innovation and inform the next phase of the project.
+Relevance assessment: Evaluate the relevance of the information gathered to the project's objectives, adjusting the research direction if necessary.
+Documentation: Carefully document all information collected, methods used, results obtained, and sources to ensure traceability and transparency.

3 : Functional analysis

+Design management: FAST, AMDEC, reporting tools (gantt,excel). Interaction: engineers, PhDs.
+Requirements identification: Understand the needs of users, customers and stakeholders. What problems or opportunities require an innovative solution?
+Decomposition of functions: Divide the system or product into functional components. Each function represents a specific task or capability that the system must fulfill.
+Function hierarchy: Organize functions into a hierarchical structure to show the relationships and dependencies between them. This can include main functions and sub-functions.
+Analysis of constraints: Identify technical, economic, regulatory and other constraints that may influence project design and development.
+Performance evaluation: Define performance criteria for each function to measure the success of the system or product. This may include indicators of quality, durability, cost, etc.
+Solutions research: Explore different ways of meeting identified needs, using creative and innovative approaches. This may include existing solutions or the design of new ones.

4 :Searching for solutions

+Design physical principles and technological functions +Design technological solutions.
+Generate ideas: Encourage creativity and divergent thinking to generate a wide range of potential ideas in response to the needs of the project.
+Brainstorming: Facilitating brainstorming sessions where team members can contribute freely to idea generation without censorship.
+Concept analysis: Examine and evaluate the ideas generated to identify those that are the most promising in terms of innovation, feasibility and effectiveness.
+Prototyping: Creating prototypes or mock-ups of selected concepts to better understand how they work and their viability. Prototypes can take different forms, from simple sketches to physical models.
+Preliminary testing: Carry out preliminary tests on prototypes to assess how they work initially and identify any adjustments needed.
+Assessment of advantages and disadvantages: Examine the potential advantages, disadvantages and implications of each solution, taking into account various criteria such as technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness and environmental impact.
+Iterations : Continuously improve solutions based on feedback, testing and evaluation. Iterations enable concepts to be refined to make them more effective and better adapted to the needs of the project.
+Interdisciplinary collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between experts in different fields to encourage innovative approaches and a diversity of perspectives.
+Feasibility analysis: Assess the technical, financial and time feasibility of each solution to ensure that they can be successfully implemented.
+Selection of the optimum solution: After evaluating different options, choose the solution that best meets the project's needs and offers the greatest potential for innovation.

5 : Solution ranking

+ Definition of ranking criteria: Identify the performance criteria, project objectives, constraints and priorities that will serve as the basis for evaluating and ranking solutions.
+Weighing the criteria: If some criteria are more important than others, weight them according to their relative importance in the success of the project.
+Quantitative and qualitative evaluation: Evaluate each solution using quantitative and qualitative measures based on the predefined criteria. This may include financial indicators, technical performance, environmental aspects, etc.
+Direct comparison: Compare solutions directly against each other by placing them in competition on each criterion.
+Revisions and adjustments: If necessary, revise the ranking based on feedback from the team or new information.
+Documentation: Carefully document the ranking process, the criteria used, the results obtained and the reasons behind the choices made.
+Communication of results: Communicate the results of the ranking to all project stakeholders to obtain their feedback and ensure transparency in the decision-making process.
+Ranking solutions helps to select the best option from several alternatives, taking into account a variety of factors relevant to the project. It is a crucial step in guiding the project towards the most promising and realistic solution.

6 : Decision

 management tools : Mindmanager . Various

7 : Realization

+Design of parts using cutting machines, CNC, 3D printers; Prototyping; Machining; 3D printing; Laser cutting; Mechanical assembly.
> Strength of materials
autodesk , solidworks
Autodesk inventor , solidworks , autocad
> material choices
granta , ces selector
> Languages:French / English
Various software
> Excel, PowerPoint, Word >

― Work experience (financial expertise )

- Financial Assessment

+Identification of Financial Requirements: Determine the costs associated with each phase of the project, including research, development, production, marketing and distribution.
+Cost Estimates: Establish detailed cost estimates for each aspect of the project. This may include direct costs (materials, labour) and indirect costs (administration, maintenance).
+Available Resources Analysis: Assess the current financial resources of the project, including available funding, potential grants and investors.
+Budget Planning: Develop a detailed budget plan for the project, aligning resources with planned activities. This may include budgets for research, development, marketing, etc.
+Business Case: Assess the expected profitability of the project by comparing estimated costs with expected benefits, taking into account expected revenues, potential savings and financial risks.

- Drafting the Financial Specifications

+Definition of Financial Objectives: Clarify the project's financial objectives, such as return on investment (ROI), long-term profitability and prudent management of financial resources.
+Identification of Funding Sources: Identify potential sources of finance, whether internal funding, government grants, private investors or other financial partners.
+Financial Timeline: Develop a detailed financial timeline, indicating when additional funding will be required and the financial milestones to be achieved for each phase of the project.
+Financial Monitoring Criteria: Establish clear financial monitoring criteria to assess the financial health of the project throughout its development. This may include financial performance indicators, budget thresholds and regular financial reporting.
+Financial Risk Management: Identify potential financial risks and develop mitigation strategies. This may include contingency plans for budget overruns or other unforeseen events.

- Financial Strategy

+Resource Optimisation: Define a strategy to optimise the use of available financial resources, minimising costs while maximising the value generated.
+Diversification of Funding Sources: Where possible, diversify funding sources to reduce dependence on a single source and increase financial stability.
+Financial Communication: Establish a transparent financial communication strategy with all stakeholders, including investors, lenders and the project team.
+Financial Adaptability: Build flexibility into the financial strategy to accommodate unforeseen changes or necessary adjustments during the course of the project.
+Ongoing evaluation: Regularly assess financial performance against established objectives, adjusting the financial strategy in line with the results achieved.

green plant in clear glass vase
green plant in clear glass vase
― Management
Leadership , internal communication , to adhere to an idea or a common objective, planning ( to plan tasks ) , technique ( GAntt , Pert , dedicated mind manager software ...)
four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset
four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset
― training
University of Reunion

Master's degree in space, construction and environment / 2009 - 2011

Design and dimensionning of mechanical structures, fluid/solid interactions and civil engineering structures.
University of Monptellier France
STPI Science and Technology for Engineering / 2006 - 2009

Course: mechanical science and technology. Summary: Design/create machines. structures or all types of mechanical systems incorporating various technologies: mechanical, electromechanical, IT. Design management and communications tools.
Polytech of Monptellier France

First year fundamental physics / 2005 - 2006

people sitting on chair in front of computer
people sitting on chair in front of computer
people walking on white sand during daytime
people walking on white sand during daytime
a statue of a person
a statue of a person


Member of Synergie Jeunes, an entrepreneurs' association.

CES Las Vegas.

Winner of various innovation competitions.

Boxing, basketball, hiking, cinema.